In the heart of a sprawling labyrinth, three adorable koalas find themselves trapped, their path to freedom obstructed by a series of perilous obstacles. Guide these curious marsupials through the maze-like passages, navigating their movements in unison with the arrow keys. Work together to outsmart the labyrinth’s challenges, avoiding TNT explosions, evading spinning saws, and overcoming tricky traps that lie in wait.
As you progress deeper into the labyrinth, the koalas’ determination grows, their bond of friendship strengthening with each shared challenge. Their fluffy bodies may be slow, but their hearts are filled
with unwavering determination. Together, they will find a way to escape this
bewildering maze and return to the comforting embrace of their eucalyptus tree homes.
Embrace the spirit of teamwork and embark on an
adventure filled with koala camaraderie in Koalabr8, a game that will test your
coordination, problem-solving skills, and most importantly, friendship.
Special Keys
<Esc> Ends the game
<Up/Down> Choose menu item
<Space/Enter> Select menu item
<F4> Switch graphics mode
<S> Save the game
<Backspace> Return to the main menu
Player Controls
<Up/Down> Move
<R> Restart the level
Save the koalas by running towards the “Exit” button. Watch out for hazards like chainsaws and TNT.
Kevin Crossley
I like maze games and this one is just cute. It does get difficult per level but stays fun.